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I’ll Drink to That: Peter Wasserman

Episode 132: Tuesday, December 3, 2013 Levi Dalton talks with Peter Wasserman, who works with Becky Wasserman Selections, a wine brokerage


Jan. 30-Feb. 2: La Tablée de New York

...small plates! Jean-Baptiste Souillard will be in attendance, and pouring several of his wines: Crozes-Hermitage “Le Tout” 2016, Saint-Joseph “Janoune” 2016,


Feb. 27-March 3: La Paulée

...dinner at the Morris. A great chance to get an in-depth and personal look into the next generation of Burgundy, attendees


Nov. 10th: Deiss Winemaker Dinner

Somm Ashley Ragovin of Pour This is hosting an intimate dinner event with one of our favorite Alsatian winemakers, Mathieu Deiss!


Another Bottle Down: Nicolas Rossignol

...vinification. Here’s the full interview: For more information about Mark’s radio show, to listen to this or other episodes, or