At a Glance

  • Variety: Chardonnay
  • Size: 0.20 ha (0.49 ac)
  • Vine Age: Planted in the late 1980s
  • Terroir: From Péronne in the Mâconnais, on marly soil.
  • Viticulture: Organic (not certified)
  • Vinification: Grapes are cooled overnight, crushed, and pressed with a basket press for 2-3 hours. Decanted (with the lees kept separately for future use if needed). Fermentation in used 228L and 600L barrels, started with a pied de cuve. Aged for 18-24 months in barrels. Racked and blended in tank for 2 weeks. No fining, no filtration. SO2 only added before bottling (approx. 10-20 ppm).